It is late July ! which means that when you rent a villa in Tuscany you can enjoy a PARTY EXPLOSION with Festas, Sagras and Mostras here we give you a brief overview of the best PARTY TIME you can enjoy while staying at Villas for rent in Tuscany from Food festas to Flag throwing, from shopping events to suckling pig feasts. There are suggestions of great restaurants to visit while you stay at Holiday Villas in Lucca suggestions of Special Dates If you enjoy old traditions then you will LOVE the “ Festa dei Pastori alle prade garfagnine “ a stone’s throw from La Colina del Sole held in the in the meadows of Garfagnana on the Sunday 4th August, all the local shepherds gather to eat, chat and show off their horses. For special experiences in the area of Lucca Villa rental we suggest having a feast at home by the infinity pool and driving to the feast of the Madonna of the Marble caves in
Minucciano - the Festa della Madonna dei Cavatori is held on the 27 & 28 of July. If while you stay at your villa rentals in Tuscany you feel like going from one foodie feast to the next THIS weekend we suggest you go to:The feast of the Tordello – in Cardoso, Gallicano
Sagra of the suckling pig in Chiozza -Castiglione di Garfagnana
Trout treats - A tutta...trota at Villa Soraggio in Sillano
Chestnut based pasta treats in Necci, migliacci e pitonca on Tuesday 30 July in Vallico Sopra
… Or shopping extravaganzas this weekend at Fornaci di Barga
… a Folkloric frenzy at the 38^ Festival Internazionale del Folclore in Camporgiano
... a traditional fair in Camporgiano this Sunday at the Fiera di Sant'Anna or sauntering of to one of the Flag throwing competition in Gallicano or checking out the bandits in Sillico Pieve Fosciana, at the medieval event "I Banditi dell'Ariosto all'ora di cena”
For AUGUST How about some dancing on 17 of August with a Serata Danzante in Giuncugnano or you can take your pick from continued Medieval nights, dancing in Fosciandora where La Collina del Sole is located, shopping in Castelnuovo and Fornacci di Barge and of course there is the Jazz festival in Barga !