When you rent a villa in Tuscany it is a good idea to learn a few basic Italian words to get around the Villa rentals in Tuscany or the area surrounding Holiday villas in Lucca unless you would like to end like my friend whom, with a smattering of Spanish and staying at Villas for rent in Tuscany became perplexed, when he was told it was impossible to get what he thought was butter, turned out he was asking for a donkey! Not the best introduction to an idyllic stay in Lucca Villa Rental We found that at La Collina del Sole there is a dedicated Italian language teacher
whose charming services you can engage from €20 per hour and who will make learning Italian the most wonderful experience ever !
If you are pPlanning to travel in Italy, the railroad system is very good and extremely reasonable, you must remember to not only buy your ticket before you board the train but to validate it too, otherwise you could face a on the spot €50 fine. So let the train take the strain, Italian trains are 99.9% on time, there is not hassle, no parking, you are taken to the centre of all important towns, it is clean and great fun. A few useful phrases to help you on your way are:
Where is? Dov'é Doh-vay
The train station la stazione Lah Stat-zee-o-nay
A ticket un biglietto Oon Beel-yet-toh
two adults due adulti Do-ay Ahdool-ti
one child un bambino Oon Bam-bee-noh
one student uno student Oon-oh Stoo-dent-ti
one senior un pensionato Oon Pen-see-o-nah-toh
How much is it? Quanto costa? Kwan-toh Cost-ah
First class prima classe Pree-mah Clah-say Second class seconda classe Say-con-dah Clah-say
One way solo andata So-low Ahn-daht-tah
Round trip (return) andata e ritorno Ahn-dah-tah Ay Ree-torh-noh
track binario Been-ar-ree-yoh
train treno Tray-no
information informazione In-for-ma-tzee-oh-nay
departures partenze Par-ten-zay
arrivals arrivi Ah-ree-vee
the bathroom il bagno Eel Bahn-yoh
Luggage storage deposito bagagli Deh-poh-zee-toh Ba-gah-lee
thank you grazie Grat-tzee-yay
please per favore Pair Fa-vohr-ray
yes si see
no no no
the museum il museo Eel Muh-zeh-oh
the church la chiesa La Khi-e-za
the cathedral il duomo/la cattedrale Eel Du-oh-moh / Lah Ka-te-drah-leh
When is it open? Quando apre? Kooh-ahn-doh A-pray
When does it close? Quando chiude? Kooh-ahn-doh Key-ooh-day
Do you speak English? Parla Inglese? Pat-la Een-glay-zay
I don't understand Non capisco Non Ka-peesk-koh
Do you speak English? Parla Inglese? PAR-la een-GLAY-zay
I don't understand Non capisco non ka-PEESK-koh
I'm sorry Mi dispiace Mee Dees-pee-at-chay
Goodbye Arrivederchi Ah-ree-veh-dehr-chi ROMA!